Tuesday 2 January 2018


HERSH-DOVID NOMBERG (April 4, 1876-November 21, 1927)
            He was born in Amshinov (Mszczonów), Warsaw district, Poland, into an affluent Hassidic family.  His father, Moyshe-Mortkhe Nomberg, who was a great-grandson of the Prager Rabbi, author of Bet meir (House of Meir), and a great scholar, died when H. D. was young, and the latter was raised by his grandfather on his mother’s side, Ayzenberg, a Hassid from Lublin who regularly traveled to see his rebbe.  At the same time, he ran major businesses and was well-known by both Jews and Christians throughout the area.  People called him “panie dziedzicu” (Mr. Squire).  The Hassid Ayzenberg lived like a prince, an aristocrat, rode a horse, traveled about in a coach, and was honored as Commander of the Guard.  He was also famed in the region for his wide charity giving; he regularly had an open kitchen for the poor.  Until age eighteen Nomberg was raised by his grandfather in an ardently Hassidic spirit; he acquired a reputation for being a prodigy and for being highly talented, and he was well-versed in Hebrew and Aramaic.  He married in late 1894, and support from his in-laws enabled him to spend his time in self-study, learning Russian, Polish, and German.  There then occurred within him a spiritual upheaval: he began to have doubt about his faith, and this doubting became severe.  Because of these heretical thoughts, he had to separate from his wife and child, and this only fortified his melancholic condition.  By chance there came into his hand a booklet of Hebrew poetry by Y. L. Perets, entitled Haugav (The harp) (Warsaw, 1894), which made a profound impression on him.  He then decided to go to Warsaw—and to get the answers from the poet to the questions that were so troubling him.  Around 1897 Nomberg, with the help of a group of Warsaw student socialists, who with Enlightenment objectives had sought in the provinces youthful talent, came to Warsaw.  He went to Perets’s home and showed him the Hebrew poetry that he had written in his yeshiva years.  Perets advised him to switch from Hebrew to Yiddish.  Nomberg remained in Warsaw and was a regular visitor at Perets’s home.  His first years there he was employed as a teacher in a Hebrew school, and he also had a post as a steward for which he received as a reward a large room which with the passage of time became a safe haven for young lads who came to Warsaw in search of the Jewish Enlightenment and education.  (In this very room, together with Nomberg, lived when they were in Warsaw: Avrom Reyzen and Sholem Asch; and together the three of them established what they dubbed “Dray-bund,” or League of Three, for modern Yiddish literature.  Nomberg was not only at this time the biggest earner of the three, but also a fierce critic who exercised a great influence on the literary development of his colleagues.)  His literary activities began with the poem “Der novi” (The prophet), published in Der yud (The Jew) in Warsaw-Cracow (1900), and with the story “Dos glik” (Happiness), published in Avrom Reyzen’s anthology Dos tsvantsigste yohrhundert (The twentieth century)—Nomberg’s first prose item was actually an allegorical tale, entitled “Fun shtal” (From the stable), whose principal theme suggested Mendele’s Di klyatshe (The nag); Perets accepted it for a planned collection, but the censor did not allow Nomberg’s story to pass.  Nomberg then happened to meet, apparently, with the “illegals” of the Bund and wrote for an illegal literary collection in honor of the May First the poem “S’loyfn, s’yogn shvartse volkn” (Black clouds race and rush), which was later republished many times and which became one of the most popular songs in the Jewish labor movement.  He later published in Der yud and in Frishman’s Hador (The generation) his first novellas: Fun a poylisher yeshive (From a Polish yeshiva) and Der rov un zayn zun (The rabbi and his son), which had an immense impact and propelled Nomberg to a place of honor in modern Yiddish literature.  Even greater was the impact exerted bythe celebrated, long story Fligelman (initially published in Avrom Reyzen’s anthology Dos yudishe vort [The Yiddish word] in Cracow in 1905).  By this time Nomberg had turned his attention entirely in the direction of literary activity, as well as a publicist and a critic.  He was among the closest contributors to Hatsfira (The siren) in Warsaw (1903), for which he was initially employed as a translator of agency telegrams, but soon he advanced to being an innovative feature writer and polemicist (using such pen names as: Kaf Hamivshalim, A Kotsets, Hatsidoni, Merari, Shaanani, and Hadan).  After Avrom Ludvipol’s resignation, he became editor (1904-1905) of Hatsofe (The spectator).  He contributed as well to Avrom Reyzen’s annual, Progres (Progress) (Warsaw, 1904), and to Tsvi Prilutski’s daily Der veg (The pathway) in Warsaw (July-September 1905); he also edited Literarishe flug-blat (Literary leaflet) in Warsaw (1905).  After Der veg went under, Nomberg moved abroad, living in Germany, France, and Switzerland.  In early 1907 he returned to Warsaw and from there soon departed for Riga, where he edited the first Yiddish newspaper in Latvia, Natsyonal-tsaytung (National newspaper) (August 14-16, 1907), in which, among other items, he published serially his Yiddish translation of Jacob Wasserman’s novel Di yidn fun tsirendorf (The Jews of Zirndorf [original: Juden von Zirndorf]).  Nomberg was later sent by Perets to Vilna to establish ties with the local writers’ group—see Daniel Charney (Tsharni), Vilne (Vilna)—and spurred great activity there.  He contributed to: Hazman (The times); the socialist Zionist Der shtrahl (The beam [of light]), Di folksshtime (The voice of the people), and Der veg; and the Bundist Di folkstsaytung (The people’s newspaper) and Di hofenung (The hope); among others.  He also placed work in such publications as: Blumen un funken (Flowers and sparks) (Warsaw, 1906); Di fraye harfe (The free harp) (Warsaw, 1907); the anthology Di velt (The world) (Warsaw-Vilna, 1908), in which he published the stories “Dos shpil in libe” (The play at love) and “Di fershvekhte heylikeyten” (The dishonored holy places); edited the Bundist Literarishe zamlung, lekoved peysekh (Literary collection in honor of Passover) (Vilna: Di velt), 48 pp., and such anthologies as Vinter abenden (Winter evenings), Vinter bleter (Winter leaves), Khanike blat (Hanukkah sheet), Literarishe zamlung (Literary collection) (Vilna: B. Kletskin), Shvues-blat, a literarishe zamlung (Shavuot sheet, a literary collection) (Vilna: Zaydshnur), 76 pp., and Literarishe flug-blat tamuz (Literary leaflet, Tamuz)—all in 1908.  He also contributed to: Avrom Reyzen’s Kunst un lebn (Art and life) (Cracow, 1908) and Eyropeishe literatur (European literature) (Warsaw, 1909); to Literarishe monatshriften (Monthly literary writings) (Vilna, 1908-1910), edited by Shmuel Niger, A. Vayter, and Sh. Gorelik; and he published his novellas, A kursistke (A female university student), Dos shpil in libe, and Tsvishn berg (Amid the mountains).  He later turned completely to journalism and literary feature pieces, though from time to time he did at times pen fiction, to which he returned in the last years of his life.  That year (1908) he returned to Warsaw and, with Y. L. Perets, Sholem Asch, and Avrom Reyzen, he traveled to the Yiddish Language Conference in Czernowitz, was the author of the well-known “Czernowitz Resolution” on Yiddish as a national language, carried out the resolution irrespective of opposition from the right and the left, and from that point was tightly linked to the modern Yiddish culture and school movement, as one of the defenders and leaders of “Yiddishism” and “Folkism” (terms which Nomberg coined at the time).  He traveled giving speeches through Galicia, Bukovina, and Austria, looking for youthful talent among writers, painters, and actors.  When Fraynd (Friend) moved from St. Petersburg to Warsaw (late 1909), Nomberg became an internal contributor to the newspaper and published there every Friday a journalistic or critical essay entitled “Vokherdike shmuesn” (Weekly chats), the first “New York letter” (he visited the United States in late 1911), and a series of articles “Vegn der yidisher literatur in amerike” (On Yiddish literature in America).  Back in Warsaw he was among Perets’s closest collaborators in Hazemir (The nightingale) and the “Yiddish Theater Society,” in which, together with Perets, Dr. A. Mukdoni, and others, he strove to establish a Yiddish artistic theater in Warsaw.  He placed work in: Unzer leben (Our life), Roman tsaytung (Fiction newspaper), and Der shtrahl, among others—in which he published articles on the Czernowitz language conference, poetry, theater reviews (under the pan name “N. Y.”), and a translation of the first two acts of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.  He also contributed to: the collection Dos bukh un der lezer (The book and the reader), edited by Y. L. Perets (Warsaw, 1911); and Frishman-yubileum-bukh (Jubilee volume for Fishman) (Warsaw, 1912).  Over the years 1912-1915, he was an internal contributor to Haynt (Today) in Warsaw, and there he continued his “Vokherdike shmuesn” and his “New York letters,” and he published short feature pieces on political events of the day.  During the German occupation of Poland (1915-1918), Nomberg engaged in considerable activity in the realm of the Yiddish cultural and school movement and was co-organizer of the first secular Jewish schools in Poland.  In 1916 he was one of the founders of the Jewish “Folkspartey” (People’s party) in Poland, and he wrote about its philosophical principles in the daily Varshever tageblat (Warsaw daily newspaper) (1916-1918), for which he also served as co-editor.  When Noyekh Prilucki was in 1919 excluded from the establishment of the Sejm, Nomberg took part in Prilucki’s place, but he resigned his Sejm credentials in 1920.  Until the last days on his life, he was active in Jewish community life.  For many years he chaired the Jewish literary writers’ and journalists’ association (13 Tłomackie St.) in Warsaw, and he served as chairman of the first Jewish writers’ and journalists’ convention in Poland (late 1921 in Warsaw).  He worked actively toward the founding of the Central Jewish School Organization (Tsisho) in Poland.  He also contributed to Vayter-bukh, tsum ondenk fun a. vayter (Vayter volume, toward the memory of A. Vayter) (Vilna, 1920).  From late 1918 until his death, he was a regular contributor to Der moment (The moment) in Warsaw, in which, in addition to his “Vokherdike shmuesn,” he published features, literary critical essays, and descriptions of his travels to: Argentina, where he lived from late 1922 until mid-1923 and where he helped establish the local Jewish writers’ association, the “H. D. Nomberg Writers’ Association”; the land of Israel in 1924; the United States for the second time in early 1926; the Soviet Union in 1926; and his impressions of Germany, France, Switzerland, the Baltic countries, and elsewhere.  He also published in: the Polish Jewish serial Nasz Przegląd (Our overview) in Warsaw; Forverts (Forward) in New York; Di yidishe tsaytung (The Jewish newspaper) in Buenos Aires; Di tsayt (The times) in London; and Frimorgn (Morning) in Riga; among other serials.  During his sojourn in America, he wrote for Tog (Day) in New York a series of articles on Yiddish literature in Poland, America, and Israel, which aroused a sharp polemic on the part of Y. M. Vaysenberg.  In Minikes yontef bleter (Minikes’s holiday sheets) (New York, 1926), he published portions of his “Perets memoirs.”  His interviews in connections with the conditions of Jews in Soviet Russia and his manner of affirming local Jewish colonization, which was published in 1926 in Shtern (Star) in Minsk and in Emes (Truth), elicited a bitter polemic from Ben-Tsien Kats in Haynt (December 1926).  Nomberg was co-editor of the popular monthly Der frayer gedank (The free idea) (Warsaw-Vilna, 1925-1926).  He also contributed to: Bikher-velt (Book world), Dos folk (The people), Varshever shriftn (Warsaw writings), and Varshever almanakh (Warsaw almanac), among others.
            Nomberg’s first story that appeared in book form was Men vekt (Waking up), published together with a story by Avrom Reyzen and two stories by Dovid Pinski (Warsaw: Bildung, 1902), second edition (Warsaw-Vilna: Di velt, 1905), 16 pp.  In 1906 there was published in Minsk his story In a khsidish hoyz, ertsehlung (In a Hassidic house, a story), 26 pp.  Over the years 1908-1909, the Warsaw publisher “Bikher far ale” (Books for everyone) brought out in five volumes Nomberg’s Shriftn (Writings): 1. “Tsvishn tate un mame” (Between Father and Mother), “Der rov un dem rovs zun” (The rabbi and the rabbi’s son), Dos shpil in libe, In a poylisher yeshive (In a Polish yeshiva), and Fligelman (103 pp.); 2. In a khsidish hoyz, A kursistke, “Briv” (Letters), and “Zi un ikh” (She and I) (104 pp.); 3. “Af eyn kvartir” (In a boardinghouse), “Shvayg, shvester” (Be quiet, sister!), and “Ver iz shuldik?” (Who is guilty?) (110 pp.); 4. Tsvishn berg, “Aleyn” (Alone), “Dos glik,” “Di getlekhe blum” (The divine flower), Men vekt, “Dos boyml” (The little tree), and poetry (140 pp.); 5. “Raya-mana,” “A plutslinge elter” (An unexpected parent), “Rekhiles” (Slander), “Di goldene fantazye” (The golden fantasy), “Kol-nidre in a varyete” (Kol Nidre in a variety show), “Farshvekhte heylikeytn” (Desecrated holiness), “Sheker un shlimazl” (Liar and luckless), and “In shturem” (In the tempest) (140 pp.)—second edition (1911).  The sole drama he wrote was Di mishpokhe (The family), in four acts, which he wrote at Avrom Reyzen’s home in New York, one act of which was published in Di literarishe velt (The literary world) (New York, 1912) and later in Di yudishe velt (The Jewish world) in Vilna 1-4 (1913); and it was published in full by B. Kletskin in Vilna (1914), 74 pp.  The play depicts the spiritual disintegration of a bourgeois Jewish family following the Russian Revolution of 1905, and for many years it was successfully performed on the Yiddish stage, by the Vilna Troupe (from 1919) and in America.  A second edition of his Shriftn was later undertaken by “Der yidisher folk-farlag” (The Jewish people’s publishing house) in Kiev, of which only volume 1 appeared: Dertseylungen (Stories), 131 pp.  Also, Klal Publishers (Berlin) succeeded in publishing two volumes of Ertseylungen (Stories) (Berlin, 1922), 137 pp and 130 pp., and in a separate edition the story In a poylisher yeshive (29 pp.).  From his articles and essays, only one volume appeared in book form: Dos bukh felyetonen (The volume of features pieces) (Warsaw: Yatshkovski, 1924), 352 pp., which included: (1) “Argentishe rayze” (Argentinian travels); (2) “Fun bazigtn land” (From a subdued country), including, among other pieces, work on Dadaism, on expressionism on stage, and on the playwright Georg Kaiser; (3) “Mentshn un verk” (People and their writings), including, among other work, “Y. L. Perets” (published in 1919 by Gayst in Warsaw, 16 pp.), “M. Berditshevski,” “Breners toyt” (Brener’s death), “Vegn shrayber un shrayberay” (On writers and the writers’ craft), “Sh. F. Rabinovitsh,” “Tolstoy der moralist” (Tolstoy the moralist), “Oto vayninger un leo belmont” (Otto Weininger and Leo Belmont), “Moyshe montefyore” (Moses Montefiore), “Emits, ergits un venits” (Someone, somewhere, and sometime), “47 zhenyen zaynen unz geboyrn gevorn” (Forty-seven geniuses born to us), and “Der protses fun shafn un di erotik oder a vort vegn kritiker, klal-tuer” (The process of creation and the erotic or a word about the critic, community leader); (4) “Baym redaktsye-tish” (On the editorial table)—timely essays on nationalism, folk poetry, and Bilu (Palestine pioneers, a movement to settle Jews in the land of Israel), and other topics.  Further works: Erets-yisroel, ayndrukn un bilder (The land of Israel, impressions and images) (Warsaw, 1925), 182 pp., including thirty pages of “Briv fun mitsraim” (Letters from Egypt).  In 1926 “Kultur-lige” (Culture league) in Warsaw proceeded to bring out a complete edition of Nomberg’s writings, of which the following appeared in print: vol. 1, Dertseylungen (1926), 240 pp.; vol. 2, Dertseylungen (1926), 180 pp.; vol. 3, Dertseylungen un lider (Stories and poems) (1926), 186 pp.; vol. 4, Dos bukh felyetonen, 352 pp.; vol. 5, Mayn rayze iber rusland (My trip through Russia) (1927), 36 chapters, several of which describe the struggle of the unaffiliated with the Yevsktsye (Jewish section [of the Communist Party]) and about the 1926 conference of Gezerd (All-Union Association for the Agricultural Settlement of Jewish Workers in the USSR) (1928), 297 pp.; vol. 6, Amerike, ayndrukn un bilder fun tsofn- un dorem-amerike (America, impressions and images from North and South America), in three parts: travels in 1926, travels in 1912, and the Argentina trip of 1926, including pictures of Spain, Portugal, Ecuador, and Brazil (1928), 196 pp.; vol. 7, Naye dertseylungen (New stories) (Warsaw, 1928), 196 pp.; vol. 8, Mentshn un verk: Y. l. perets (People and their writings: Y. L. Perets) (1929), 115 pp., including articles about Perets, published in various volumes from 1910 until Nomberg’s death (also, Buenos Aires: Dos poylishe yidntum, 1946); vol. 9, Mentshn un verk: Yidishe shrayber (People and their writings: Yiddish writers) (1930), 244 pp., including the essay “Kritiker un estetiker” (Critic and aesthetician) and writings about Mendele, Sholem-Aleykhem, Sh. Frug, Y. Dinezon, Reb Mortkhele, Avrom Reyzen, Dovid Eynhorn, Uri-Nisn Gnesin, A. Vayter, Dr. Chaim Zhitlovsky, Yoysef-Khayim Brener, M. Y. Berditshevski, Y. Bershadski, Sh. F. Rabinovitsh, Bal-Makhshoves, Dovid Frishman, Aḥad Haam, Nokhum Sokolov, Dr. Nosn Birnboym, Sh. Y. Hurvits, Israel Zangwill, Dr. T. Herzl, Yehoash, and Izi Kharik.  He later published Far yugnt (For youth) (Warsaw: Shul-biblyotek, 1937), 56 pp.  He translated from German: Gerhardt Hauptmann, Henshel furman (Drayman Henshel [original: Führmann Henschell]), a play in three acts (Warsaw, 1910), 93 pp.; Georg Kaiser, Fun tog biz mitnakht (From day to midnight [original: Von Morgens bis Mitternachts (From morning to midnight)]), a drama in three acts (performed on the Yiddish stage).  From English: Toyznt un eyn nakht, shekherezades mayselekh (1001 night, Scheherazade’s stories) (Warsaw: Yidish, 1918), 364 + 7 pp. (until the thirty-second night); Rabindranath Tagore, Shpetzumer (Indian summer) (Warsaw: Kultur-lige, 1922), 106 pp., second edition (1924)—this work was, incidentally, solemnly presented to Tagore during his visit to Buenos Aires and brought the poet great joy.  In 1958 the series “Muster-verk fun der yidisher literatur” (Master works of Yiddish literature) in Buenos Aires brought out a volume of Nomberg’s Oysgeklibene shriftn, noveln, lider, eseyen (Selected writings, novels, poems, essays), with melodies for the poems and a fragment of Sh. Rozhanski’s “Kharakteristik un kritishe balaykhtung” (Character and critical illumination), 252 pp. (Rozhanski’s piece, pp. 11-52).  From Nomberg’s Hebrew writings, there was published Sipurim (Stories) (Warsaw: Sifrut, 1905), 47 pp., dedicated to Dr. I. Elyashev; Ketavim, helek rishon, sipurim ṿetsiyurim (Writings, part one: Stories and drawings) (Warsaw: Tushiya, 1911), 243 pp., twenty-four stories, of which only “Mikhtavim” (Letters) and “Al miftan haosher” (At the threshold of happiness) were written in Hebrew, the rest translated from Yiddish; and a collection of children’s stories (Warsaw: Haor, 1911), 64 pp.  Nomberg’s stories and poems were included in anthologies and textbooks, among them: Yoyel Entin, Idishe shrayber (Yiddish writers) (New York, 1923); Entin, Idishe poetn (Yiddish poets) (New York, 1927), pp. 157-59, 288; Antologye fun der yidisher literatur in argentine (Anthology of Yiddish literature in Argentina) (Buenos Aires, 1944), pp. 521-26; A. Tsaytlin and Y. Y. Trunk, Antologye fun der yidisher proze in poyln tsvishn di tsvey velt-milkhomes (Anthology of Yiddish prose in Poland between the two world wars) (New York, 1946); Y. Likhtboym, Hasipur haivri (The Hebrew story) (Tel Aviv, 1955); an anthology of Yiddish literature in German, prepared by M. Zlatshisti; and Salomón Resnick, Cuentos judios (Yiddish stories) (Buenos Aires, 1920), p. 249; among others.  Translations of his work, into English: Helena Frank, trans., Der rov un dem rovs zun (The rabbi and the rabbi’s son) (Philadelphia, 1912), 36 pp.; into German: A. Suhl, trans., Flügelmann (Leipzig, 1924), 64 pp.  He penned the prefaces and edited: the translation Gezamlte shriftn fun artur shnitsler (Selected works of Arthur Schnitzler), 2 vols. (Warsaw, 1909-1910); M. Alperman’s Memuarn fun a yidishn kolonist (Memoirs of a Jewish colonist) (Buenos Aires, 1922); and other such works.  He died of a heart attack in Otwock, near Warsaw, in the midst of writing his article repulsing the rising revisionism concerning the greatness of Y. L. Perets.  He was buried in Warsaw.  His final article in a series of four, “Perets, an entfer tsu zayne kritiker” (Perets, a reply to his critics), was published in Moment in Warsaw (from November 26, 1927) and in Forverts in New York (December 3, 1927).  Portions of his literary heritage and his memoirs were published posthumously in Naye folks-tsaytung (New people’s newspaper) in Warsaw (December 1927), and reprinted in the Yiddish press in America, Argentina, and elsewhere.  A portion of Perets’s letter to Nomberg appeared in Yivo-bleter (Pages from YIVO) in Vilna 12.1-3 (1937), pp. 183-90.

Sources: Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 2, with a bibliography; Zalmen Zilbertsvayg, Leksikon fun yidishn teater (Handbook of the Yiddish theater), vol. 2 (New York, 1934), with a bibliography; Lodzer tageblat (Lodz) (November 25, 1925); Y. M. Vaysenberg, Inzer hofening (Warsaw) 25 (1925); A. Gurshteyn, in Tsaytshrift (Minsk) 1 (1926); V. Latski-Bertoldi, in Frimorgn (Riga) (December 12, 1926); Ben-Tsien Kats, in Haynt (Warsaw) (December 31, 1926); Y. Y. Zinger, in Literarishe bleter (Warsaw) (February 4, 1927); D. Bergelson, in Frayhayt (New York) (April 3, 1927); Arn Tsaytlin, in Literarishe bleter (June 17, 1927); Tsaytlin, in Tog-morgn-zhurnal (New York) (February 19, 1960); Yisroel Shtern, in Literarishe bleter (November 18, 1927); Shtern, in Bikher-velt (Warsaw) (December 3, 1928); B. Mikhalevitsh, in Folkstsaytung (Warsaw) (November 22, 1927); A. Grinboym and A. Goldberg, in Haynt (November 22, 1927); Noyekh Prilucki and B. Karlinski, in Der moment (Warsaw) (November 22, 1927); Y. Pat, in Folkstsaytung (November 23, 1927); B. Shefner, in Folkstsaytung (November 24, 1927); Shefner, Novolipye 7, zikhroynes un eseyen (Nowolipie 7, memoirs and essays) (Buenos Aires, 1955), see index; Sh. Mendelson, in Folkstsaytung (November 25, 1927); Mendelson, in Vokhnshrift far literatur (Warsaw) (December 9, 1937); Mendelson, in Di tsukunft (New York) (October 1937); Shloyme mendelson, zayn lebn un shafn (Shloyme Mendelson, his life and works) (New York: Unzer tsayt, 1949), pp. 169-76; Meylekh Ravitsh, in Folkstsaytung (November 26, 1927); Ravitsh, Mayn leksikon (My lexicon), vol. 1 (Montreal, 1945), pp. 141-43; Y. M. Naymark and A. L. Yakubovitsh, in Haynt (November 25, 1927); Sh. Y. Stupnitski, in Moment (November 25, 1927); Dr. A. Ginzburg, in Forverts (New York) (November 26, 1927); Kh. Sh. Kazdan, in Yugnt veker (Warsaw) 23 (1927); Kazdan, Di geshikhte fun yidishn shulvezn in umophengikn poyln (The history of Jewish school curricula in independent Poland) (Mexico City, 1947); Kazdan, Mentshn fun gayst un mut, bundishe geshtaltn (Men of spirit and courage, Bundist figures) (Mexico City, 1962), p. 257; Y. Rozenblum, in Di vokh (Riga) (November 25, 1927); Y. Opatoshu, in Der oyfkum (New York) (December 1927); Y. Kisin, in Der veker (New York) (December 3, 1927); A. Kahan, in Forverts (December 4, 1927); Y. Kharlash, in Naye vegn (Riga) (November-December 1927); Kharlash, in Kultur un dertsiung (New York) (December 1952); Shmuel Niger, in Di tsukunft (January 1928); Niger, in Yoyvl-bukh fun keneder odler (Jubilee volume for Keneder odler) (Montreal, 1938); Niger, in Yorbukh (New York) (1951/1952); Niger, Habikoret uveayoteha (Inquiry and its problems) (Jerusalem, 1957); Dr. A. Koralnik, Dos bukh fun vortslen (The book of roots) (Warsaw, 1928), pp. 103-8; Koralnik, Viderklangen un vidershprukhn (Echoes and contradictions), part 2 (Warsaw, 1928), pp. 163ff; Leo Kenig, Shrayber un verk (Writers and works) (Vilna, 1929), pp. 154-65; Avrom Reyzn, Epizodn fun mayn lebn (Episodes from my life), vol. 1 (Vilna, 1929), pp. 207, 227, 230, 243, 244, 250, 257, 259, 279, 288, 305, 308, 310, vol. 2, pp. 13-17, 18, 20, 83, 100, 129, 159, 160, 163, 284-85, vol. 3 (1937), pp. 37, 109, 112, 156, 243-46, 327-33, 340-44; Reyzen, in Di tsukunft (January 1930); Reyzen, in Forverts (April 25, 1931; April 23, 1932; May 29, 1943); Reyzen, in Vilner tog (Vilna) (November 19, 1937); Reyzen, in Der shpigl (Buenos Aires) (September 30, 1941); Y. Y. Trunk, Tsṿishn viln un onmekhtikeyt (h. d. nomberg) pruvn fun analiz un kharakteristik (Between will and powerlessness, H. D. Nomberg, attempts via analysis and characterization) (Warsaw, 1930); Trunk, in Poyln (Poland), vol. 5 (New York, 1949), vol. 7 (New York, 1953); Y. D. Berkovitsh, in Forverts (January 25, 1931; August 14, 1932); Z. Shneur, in Forverts (July 15, 1932; July 29, 1932); B. Y. Byalostotski, Lider un eseyen (Poems and essays) (New York, 1932), pp. 231-32; Byalostotski, in Kultur un dertsiung (January 1938); Byalostotski, in Foroys (Warsaw) (February 18, 1938); Byalostotski, Kholem un var (Dream and reality) (New York, 1956), pp. 356-62; N. Mayzil, in Literarishe bleter (November 19, 1937); Mayzil, in Oyfkum (March 1938); Mayzil, Forgeyer un mittsaytler (Forerunner and contemporary) (New York, 1946), see index; Mayzil, Geven amol a lebn, dos yidishe kultur-lebn in poyln tsvishn beyde velt-milkhomes (There was once a life, Jewish cultural life in Poland between the two world wars) (Buenos Aires, 1951); Mayzil, Yitskhok-leybush perets un zayn dor shrayber (Yitskhok-Leybush Perets and his generation of writers) (New York, 1951), see index; Mayzil, in Yidishe shriftn (Warsaw) (December 1957); Mayzil, Noente un eygene, fun yankev dinezon biz hirsh glik (Near and one’s own, from Yankev Dinezon to Hirsch Glick) (New York, 1957), pp. 121-27f; Mayzil, Tsurikblikn un perspektivn (Retrospectives and perspectives) (Tel Aviv: Perets Publ., 1962), see index; E. Almi, Mentshn un ideyen (Men and ideas) (Warsaw, 1933), pp. 255-61; M. Gerts, 25 yor yidishe prese in letland (25 years of the Yiddish press in Latvia) (Riga, 1933), pp. 5, 14; D. Tsharni (Daniel Charney), Barg-aroyf, bletlekh fun lebn (Uphill, pages from life) (Warsaw: Literarishe bleter, 1935), pp. 236-38, 257-66; Tsharni, Vilne (Vilna) (Buenos Aires, 1951), pp. 178-81; Tsvi Prilutski, in jubilee issue of Moment (Warsaw, 1935); Z. Segalovitsh, Tlomatske 13, fun farbrentn nekhtn (13 Tłomackie St., of scorched yesterdays) (Buenos Aires, 1946), see index; Moyshe Nadir, Teg fun mayne teg (Days of my days) (New York: Morgn-frayhayt, 1935), see index; Tint un feder (Ink and pen) (New York: Idbyuro, 1936), see index; B. Rivkin, in Zamlbikher (New York) (1936); Rivkin, Grunt-tendentsn fun der yidisher literatur in amerike (Basic tendencies in Yiddish literature in America) (New York, 1948); Sh. Tenenboym, in Der yidisher kuryer (Chicago) (December 17, 1937); Elkhonen Tsaytlin, In a literarisher shtub (In a literary home) (Warsaw, 1937), pp. 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 124, 126; Sh. Leshtshinski, Literarishe eseyen (Literary essays) (New York, 1938), pp. 58-63; Sh. Rozhanski, Dos yidishe gedrukte vort in argentina (The published Yiddish word in Argentina) (Buenos Aires, 1941), see index; Rozhanski, in Di yidishe tsaytung (Buenos Aires) (November 21, 1952); Rozhanski, foreword to Nomberg’s Oysgeklibene shriftn (Selected writings) (Buenos Aires, 1958); Y. Mendelson, Amol in a halbn yoyvl (Once in a half lifetime) (Buenos Aires, 1943), pp. 404-16; Y. Rapaport, Ershter shnit nokhn shturem (First harvest after the storm) (Melbourne, 1948); Rapaport, Oysgerisene bleter (Torn up pages) (Melbourne, 1957); Dr. A. Mukdoni, Yitskhok leybush perets un dos yidishe teater (Yitskhok Leybush Perets and Yiddish theater) (New York, 1949), see index; Mukdoni, In varshe un in lodzh (In Warsaw and in Lodz), vol. 1 (Buenos Aires, 1955), see index; Froym Kaganovitsh, Yidishe shrayber in der heym (Yiddish writers at home) (Lodz, 1949), pp. 21-30; Kaganovski, in Arbeter vort (Paris) (September 1952); Ber I. Rozen, Tlomatske 13 (13 Tłomackie St.) (Buenos Aires, 1950), see index; Rozen, Portretn (Portraits) (Buenos Aires, 1956), pp. 83-94; Aharon Ben-Or, Toldot hasifrut haivrit haḥadasha (History of modern Hebrew literature), vol. 1 (Tel Aviv, 1951), pp. 383-87; Y. Botoshanski, in Fraye arbeter-shtime (New York) (January 1952); Botoshanski, in Di prese (Buenos Aires) (November 21, 1957); A. Zak, in Arbeter vort (January 15, 1952); Zak, In onhoyb fun a friling (At the beginning of a spring) (Buenos Aires, 1962), see index; Khayim Leyb Fuks, in Arbeter vort (February 15, 1952); Fuks, in Fun noentn over (New York) 3 (1957); Fuks, in Unzer vort (Faris) (February 4, 1964); Fuks, in Der veg (Mexico City) (March 2, 1964); Fuks, in Fraye arbeter-shtime (March 15, 1964); Bal-Makhshoves, Geklibene shriftn (Selected writings) (New York, 1953), pp. 258-61; Y. Yanosovitsh, in Di naye tsayt (Buenos Aires) (January 2, 1953); M. Turkov, Di letste fun a groysn dor (The last of a great generation) (Buenos Aires, 1954), see index; Y. Mastboym, in Letste nayes (Tel Aviv) (May 15, 1954; May 21, 1954); Sh. Sreberk, Zikhronot (Memoirs) (Tel Aviv, 1954), pp. 152-53; B. Kutsher, Geven amol varshe (As Warsaw once was) (Paris, 1955), see index; Y. Likhtboym, Hasipiur haivri (Hebrew literature) (Tel Aviv, 1955), p. 525; Likhtboym, in Pinkes varshe (Records of Warsaw) (Buenos Aires, 1955), pp. 9, 780; A. Laytman, in Tshenstokhov (Częstochowa) (New York, 1958), pp. 168-70; M. Mandelman, in Di shtime (Mexico City) (January 25, 1958); Sh. L. Shnayderman, in Forverts (February 14, 1958); Y. A. Liski, in Di idishe shtime (London) (March 21, 1958); Liski, in Unzer shtime (Paris) (April 11, 1959; April 12, 1959); Shimshon Meltser, in Kol kitve y. l. perets (The complete writings of Y. L. Perets), vol. 1 (Tel Aviv, 1960), pp. 263-64; Y. Ḥ. Biltski, Masot bishvil sifrut yidish (Essays on Yiddish literature) (Tel Aviv, 1960), pp. 273, 318; Gershon Pomerants, in Der idisher zhurnal (Toronto) (November 20, 1961); Pomerants, in Pinkes zhirardov (Records of Żyrardów) (Buenos Aires, 1961), pp. 403-6; B. Mandel, in Lebnsfragn (Life issues) (Tel Aviv) (December 1962); Avraham Shaanan, Milon hasifrut haḥadasha haivrit vehakelalit (Dictionary of modern Hebrew and general literature) (Tel Aviv, 1959), pp. 508-9; H. K., in Buletin fun bund-arkhiv (New York) (January 1964; May 1964); Sh. Belis, Portretn un problemen (Portraits and problems) (Warsaw, 1964).
Khayim Leyb Fuks

1 comment:

  1. Excellent biography! I was looking for good information about Nomberg and it looks he is forgotten, but this post was very helpful, a dank!
