Monday 29 August 2016


            He hailed from Lithuania.  In 1890 he came to the United States.  He lived in Philadelphia and New York.  He published recreational novels and translations in such serials as: Di yidishe velt (the Jewish world) in Philadelphia; and Yudishe gazette (Jewish gazette) and Folks-advokat (People’s advocate) in New York.  In book form he published several adapted works from Jules Verne, such as Der geheymnis inzl, oder aropgefaln fun himl (The mysterious island or fallen from heaven [original: L'Île mystérieuse]), “an interesting historical story (New York, 1895), 204 pp.; Teksers shtrof, oder nord gegen sauth (Texar’s revenge, or North against South [original: Nord contre Sud] (New York, 1895), 134 pp., with a preface that is rather typical of Jules Verne’s writings.

Source: Elye Shulman, Geshikhte fun der yidisher literatur in amerike (History of Yiddish literature in America) (New York, 1943), p. 90.

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