Thursday 29 January 2015


AVROM-BER BIRNBOYM (January 30, 1965-November 11, 1922)
     He was born in Pułtusk, Poland, into a family of Kotsker Hassidim. He made his way to Lodz in 1886.  In 1888 he became the cantor and ritual slaughterer in a town in Hungary, perfected himself in the theory of music, and taught German.  He published articles in Hatsfira (The siren).  In 1893 he became the cantor and ritual slaughterer in Częstochowa, published Yarḥon haḥazanim (Cantors’ monthly), and in 1902 published a musical theory in Yiddish and Hebrew entitled Torat hazemira hakelalit (General rules of music).  In 1906 he opened in Częstochowa a school for cantors, and the following year in Warsaw he convened the first cantorial congress; over the years 1909-1912 he brought out the monumental cantorial work, Amanut haḥazanut (The artistry of cantorship).  He was a popularizer of Jewish music in the Yiddish and Hebrew press.  He composed music to the poems of Yankev Cohen and to prayers for the Kabbalat-Shabbat service.  He died in Częstochowa.

Source: Zalmen Reyzen, Leksikon, vol. 1.

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