Friday 10 October 2014


     He was the owner of a publishing house (founded in 1899) in New York at 63 Clinton St., and at other sites.  He was the author of booklets, written in primitive verse, but in an entirely popular style of language to which was added bits and phrases from the Sages.  All of his booklets were published between 1920 and 1935.  They touch on actual community matters, the majority of them from the point of view of religious Judaism.  These booklets include: Kol arye (Voice of Arye) (New York, 1926), 128 pp.; Emuna al pi haskala (Faith according to the [Jewish] Enlightenment) and Tohorot hamishpaḥa (Purity of the family), printed together (New York, 1924), 32 pp., pocketbook format; Hameorer letaken olam beemet, der veker tsum emes (Alarm to repair the world in truth, the alarm to the truth) (New York, 1920), 8 pp.—in this pamphlet the author agitated for his position on behalf of “socialism” and a five-day work week; Sotsyalizm min ha-torah (Socialism from the Torah) (unidentified further); Megilat ester (Scroll of Esther), rhymes concerning the school (New York, 1936), 21 pp.  All of these were printed in Bodenshteyn’s own publishing house.  He died at a ripe old age (see the last page of Emuna al pi haskala, his message under the words “Al tashlikheni leet zikna” [Do not cast me out in my old age]).

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